
Your leading distributor for the world’s most popular Asian beer, wine, soju and spirits.

Soju, World’s Most Popular Spirit

  • Saero is a sugar-free Korean soju with a smooth taste and an ABV of 16%. It's distilled to preserve the traditional soju flavor and has a crisp finish.

  • Saero’s signature bottle is an ode to the traditional ceramic Korean pottery that encases the nation’s most revered cultural belongings.

  • Chum Churum soju is made with pure, alkaline water bringing a whirlwind of popularity among liquor lovers.

    Water, which accounts for 80% of soju, is an important factor influencing the flavor and quality of soju products.

    Alkaline water, with particles rich in minerals, gives a unique smooth flavor going down.not

  • Chum-Churum Original (17.0% ABV, USA)

    375ml, 750ml, 1.75L

    Chum-Churum Mild (16.8% ABV, USA)


    Chum-Churum Rich (20.0% ABV, USA)

    375ml, 750ml, 1.75L

  • The world’s first flavored soju, Soonhari Fruit Soju is carefully distilled from the highest quality rice and tapioca for a natural sweetness. Infusing a refreshing blend of fruit flavors creates a unique presence while maintaining the unmistakably clean finish Korean soju is famous for. Shockingly modern, for one of history’s oldest spirits.

    Enjoy chilled, on the rocks or as a cocktail base for an ultra smooth experience.

  • Peach






    Grape (New!)



Moving Korean culture and entertainment forward in a legendary collaboration.

  • Beer with deep and rich flavor made with fermented concentrate.

  • Korea’s first beer to utilize the original


It’s 5 o’clock somewhere

  • It all begins with the right hops.

    Authentic German hops and the original method of Reinheitsgebot brewing, the world’s oldest series of regulations governing the finest method of beer brewing since 1516.

  • Kloud is made with fermented concentrate without dilution with water, using the original gravity method.

    It is made with raw materials chosen through a strict selection process, providing an authentic European-style beer flavor.

  • The name Kloud is a composite of the “K” from Korea and ‘cloud’, which is similar in appearance to beer foam.

    The hope to provide a beer that represents Korea has been expressed in the product name.


“Fosco is truly full-service. They take responsibility for their products from start to finish. I’m fully confident in their ability to handle our account for us, year-round.”

—J. Kim

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